Vaida on photography and inspiration

Vaida on photography and inspiration

Our jaw dropped... when Vaida from Showy London sent us the shots she has taken of our product range. It's safe to say Matcha Union never looked better and we loved how the talented photographer captured our values and the idea that unions form and grow when embracing into your daily ritual.  Whether the union is among friends, between ourselves and the world around us, or the union of matcha with water to create a vibrant froth. There is always more to it than just a cup of tea! Naturally we had to dig deeper...

MU: How did you fall in love with photography?

V: I have always been fascinated with art and nature. I started painting while studying visual arts at university. That’s when I got really interested in photography as a medium. I was exploring the connection between the human body and natural elements. I noticed that photography as a medium allowed me to better express and understand myself and the world around me.

MU: What drives you?


To be able to distill the beauty that surrounds us. I really enjoy creating dynamic and impactful visuals with elements of nature. Working with brands and entrepreneurs that have a sustainable and environmentally respectful vision inspires me too.

MU: Where do you find inspiration?

I believe that everyday we experience passing moments of inspiration lurking just below the surface. Therefore I always try to make a conscious effort to pay attention in seeing inspiration in things unseen and inspiring narratives unfolding around me.

MU: How have your experiences shaped the development of your shots?

Through life experiences such as travelling and living in multiple countries I have adopted a minimalistic approach to life and I think it translates itself in to my photography as many of my favourite shots are styled minimally and mainly focusing on light, colour and subject.

MU: What did you enjoy most about shooting Matcha Union?

I have truly enjoyed shooting Matcha Union because I do appreciate brands values such as creativity, connection and protection of the nature.

MU: Do you incorporate new technologies in your e-commerce shoots? If yes, how did it shape your photography?

V: I am always on the lookout to incorporate new technologies not only in e-commerce shots but in all aspects of the business as it enables me with a greater productivity behind the scenes and also leaves more time to connect with my clients and collaborators.

MU: Tell us 3 tips for aspiring photographers?


First, light is what photography is all about. I have often found that boring scenes can be rendered into beautiful scenes, just by capturing them in good light.

Feedback is an important part of your development. You can’t always see your blind spots, that’s why seeking out advice from others is a good idea.

Finally, practice as much as you can and enjoy the process!


Check out Vaida's webpage for more samples of her work and how to get in touch with her!

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