Interview: Jana Jung
After always being on the road and living the fast-paced model life, the German stunner Jana now found ground studying herbal medicine in London. While still traveling around the world for work (and pleasure) from time to time she appreciates being present and connected to one place now and is excited to start her journey to become a certified Yoga teacher.
MU: What are you passionate about?
JJ: My biggest passion is yoga - Since I started practicing, I don’t want to miss one day without my daily asanas.
Also I love to learn everything about nutrition and how to share a healthy lifestyle with everyone around me.
MU: What’s the most fulfilling part about what you do?
JJ: I love to talk to people about everything I am learning in my studies of Herbal Medicine.
I am looking forward to give some intentions and some advice to everyone who is interested, to listen to me and would like to change something.. or maybe start to live more consciously.
In my opinion we can do and change so much in our every day life to feel better with ourselves.
MU: What title do you give this chapter in our life and why?
JJ: I would probably call it: “The merits and small struggles to Growth” because I think, that I am in a period of my life, where I am still discovering new things about myself and I am constantly challenged to learn and listen as much as I can.
We never stop learning in the timeline of our lives, but being in my 20s, I still find myself at the beginning
MU: What does wellness mean to you?
JJ: When I thought about this question at first I wasn’t sure of how to reply, because I really enjoy “wellness” but never really get to do it, so I guess it cannot play an important role in my life, right? But thinking about it again, wellness for me is spending time on myself, just myself and this is soo very much important for me: If its cooking soul food, meditating in the nature, reading a book or going for a long walk - I even remember myself telling my friends and family all the time, to spend more quality time with yourself, and as it is a luxury nowadays to find time in our busy lives, I would definitely call it wellness, and YES it is so important to me. :)
MU: What is a wellness trend that you recently discovered and can’t live without?
JJ: I would think of the Face-Gym. Its a facial for the face to stimulate the collagen production of the skin and to firm the face and muscles underneath.
MU: What or whom inspires you?
JJ: My yoga teacher in my favorite Yoga-Studio inspires me. The way he talks about life and his apparent ease sets an intention for me to think more along the lines he teaches us to think.
MU: How do you stay balanced ?
JJ:I am staying balanced by doing Yoga every day. Its like my “anchor” in emotional situations: If I am feeling stressed or if I am not happy with a situation, a deep and slow yoga practice takes me out of any situation and negative emotions and replaces it with happiness and calmness.
"If I am feeling stressed or if I am not happy with a situation, a deep and slow yoga practice takes me out of any situation and negative emotions and replaces it with happiness and calmness."
MU: What are your top 3 wellness tips?
JJ: 1. Stay hydrated with (only) ROOM TEMPERATURE water! I know it sounds a bit weird, but to drink only water at room temperature is the best thing what you can do for your gut, as cold water slows down your digestion and just plain water is the best for your skin. Green Tea is also very good, it has many cancer-fighting properties :)
2. Absorb as much Vitamin D as possible - in fact Vitamin D deficiency is so common in Europe, because many people don’t get enough exposure to sunlight. In fact a lack of Vitamin D is responsible for a lot of neurological and skeletal diseases, such as Depression, Multiple Sclerosis and Osteoporosis.
3. Brushing your hair at least 100 times with the right brush before going to sleep for more shine - It really works.
MU: If you could be any superfood which one would it be and why?
JJ: I would like to be a beetroot - I love it so much - I could eat it every day to everything!!!! Beetroot is a great source of iron for all the women who need to watch the iron-intake. :))
MU: What is your favorite MU product and how do you use is?
JJ: I love all the products, but my absolutely favorite is the Ceremonial Matcha. This matcha is very special and you can also taste, as it is so smooth and probably one of the best I ever tried.
It combines very nice with any nut milk and tastes also amazing just to brew it with water. I never thought, that I would betray my coffee with matcha, but here you go - I Just did!!!
Photographs by @janajung